According to the developers, Payday 3 seeks to convey the feeling of a “Hollywood film about robbery”
In recent years, many games have tried their forces in the genre of a multi -user shooter with robberies, and although some of them enjoyed varying degrees of success, Payday franchise has invariably remained a leader for new competitors. In the upcoming Payday 3, the developer Starbreeze Studios seeks to raise the bar again, and in a recent interview, the developers said that the main goal of the game is to give players to feel that they are actively participating in "Hollywood robbery".
In a recent conversation with The Loadout, the Payday Director Almir Listu said that the upcoming cooperative shooter would try to imitate the sensations that are usually associated with watching films or a robbery television show.
"We have a term that we introduced into use while working on this game, and this "Hollywood robbery", – Listo said. "We want to imitate the sensations that arise when watching films about robberies or television shows. Either "Fight" and great battles on the streets of Los Angeles, or "11 friends Ocean", where you can enter and go out, remaining unnoticed".
This time the whole thing is the idea: "Where will we go further?". added Listo. "How do you feel about career criminals? How it manifests itself in your world? How it makes you behave? What are you doing when you become like that?".
Liste also spoke about some Hollywood films that were an inspiration for Payday 3, including the aforementioned "Fight", as well as criminal thriller "City of thiefs" 2010 directed by Ben Affleck (and main role).
"Fight" – This is a classic, as well as "City of thiefs"", – Says Listo. Personally, I prefer the classics and convey that eternal spirit that, it seems to me, really conveys "Fight". I know that there are many new films and the like that develop a fantasy about robberies, but I think that in Payday 3 we affected such a special chord that simply developed the most excellent way we are capable of".