Features of complexity levels, “new game +” and fresh gameplay Alan Wake 2

Already this Friday the release of the long-awaited continuation of Alan Wake will take place, where the already familiar writer Alan Wake and the town of Bright Falls with the new heroine Saga Anderson will wait for the players. On the eve of the speed release of Alan Wake 2, developers from the Remedy Entertainment studio have become very generous to disclose new information about the game. We have to find out the details of the plot of the sequel already in the game itself, but now we can evaluate the new screenshots of the project and find out about the levels of difficulty, as well as about the regime "A new game +".

Reportedly, in Alan Wake 2 players will wait for the usual set of complexity levels. It will be possible to go to adventures in the dark world on normal complexity or on a complex. For connoisseurs, only the plot in the game will also be available the plot level of complexity, where all the battles will be greatly simplified.

Difficulty levels in Alan Wake 2:

  • Plot – fighting will not represent difficulties. Focus on solving secrets and research.
  • Normal – balance between solving secrets and survival. The fighting is complex. To survive, it is necessary to use objects and save resources.
  • Complex – significantly complicated battles. For survival, you need to use objects and know the game mechanics well.

Along with this, representatives of Remedy Entertainment revealed the possibility of re -passage of the game. For Alan Wake 2, mode will be available "A new game +". It will start re -passage with already unlocked weapons and improvements. In this mode, players will be able to start the game for difficulties "Nightmare" and evaluate the alternative narrative of the game, which includes new pages of the manuscript and new video content. "New game +" They promise to add to the game after the release in the form of a free update, but its release date is not yet known.

As a bonus, you can also evaluate several screenshots from the game and gamlups for the saga: