In Assassin’s Creed Mirage, individual settings will be available as a sign of respect for Islam
An interesting mechanics will be used in Assassin’s Creed Mirage: the game will provide a pause in playing music so as not to drown out the Azan – a characteristic call of Muslims for prayer – in virtual Baghdad.
As stated in a statement by the French company, this idea was proposed by players who participated in recent tests. True, there is not much time left before the release, so this decision will appear in the game in only one of the subsequent updates.
Assassin’s Creed Mirage developers team made a lot of efforts to beliefly portray Baghdad of the 9th century, and we are deeply grateful for the positive reviews received in recent weeks as new details of the game are opened, the press release reports.
As for Azan, although the music in the game world is designed to be interrupted at the time of the call, we know that some players who received an invitation to preliminary testing came across situations where two sound sources were superimposed on each other.
Our employees are already working to provide alternative settings for players who want this to not happen during the gameplay. This opportunity will be available to everyone through renewal shortly after the release of the game.
Assassin’s Creed Mirage will be released on October 5 on PC, PlayStation 4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S, and next year also. On iOS.
kiss the ass, otherwise sugar melts.
yes, it would be better if gays added more and 3.14Doorassoff all sorts
Another schiza penetrates games.
She has always been. In the 80s, this is a confrontation between systems.
Phahaahhah infringed. And where were your settings on Catholicism and paganism then ?
Something is somehow hypocritical . Although on the other hand you can understand them. After all, these are representatives of the most peaceful religion, suddenly they will still teach what)
Muslims can not be angry, they can cut off their heads
You probably think that you wrote something very smart.
And you decided to inform me about it
Ukraine is also bombed by Muslims, Orthodox kinder Muslims. I’m sure the explosion will remain in place
Why every game is trying to like, as it were, softer, certain groups? Not to make the game as you want and everyone who is dissatisfied with the exit, they arrange it is not clear that. Then rainbow flags drag wherever possible, now they are doing this
And the fact that Essani Assassinov himself denies all the Abrahamic religions does not insult anyone?))
I always knew that games are not just games
where so much anger comes from, it will be a switched setting
So no one would be angry.
That’s it, so much negativity.
Get used to it, PG has such a toxic target.
All the splendor is that I do not belong to any group that can be infringed. Champion of gray morality and just. Like – I use it, I look, I play. I don’t like it – just not. And no whining, condemnations.
So the country is left for the country.
There is true this, but it’s easier and easier to live. I do not poison myself and other people life.
Not easier to understand over time.
The louder of all are squealing from the USA. There, too, the country leaves?
But you can not infringe on gamers and make a good game
From Jubisoft for a long time you can no longer wait for good games and just score on them.
Another suction with towers and outposts is just sick of such gameplay as I recall.
Moreover, such a gameplay right now became incredibly popular among the developers, even Chinese, that the same Genshin and Tof copy it.
That’s how it should be in games, all elements should be tuned to specific categories of players. For example, before downloading the game. The player, if desired, can indicate his orientation, nationality, religion, etc.D. In short, go through a small questionnaire, then he will come out with a checkbox, they say you will have such a thing in the game, such and such things like this, well, this is all a tolerant thing, and the player can agree with all the points, or maybe maybe change something and start downloading. And then he will be able to change some things even while playing the menu, and some, he will have to drive things. Why not do all this immediately in the play settings, and because why should a white natural disk a bunch of models of African American, gays, transgender people, etc.P. or to keep a bunch of heterosexual content on a hard disk, well, you understand, in short. And you also need that in the games you can choose a mode of playing background music, it infuriates me in the assassins when the music shuts up by playing only 20 seconds for 10-20 minutes then will play 10 seconds again. And again silence for 10-20 minutes. For example, I want it to constantly play like in witches, scrolls, etc.P., In assassins, background music is also very beautiful and +40% atmial, but the bastard does not play for a long time (((
Wow, how many negativity and aggression because they showed respect for Azan. If it were with respect to Christians, you would be interesting to react like that? Do not be hypocrites!
Modern society is built on hypocrisy, so it is generally useless to discuss) respect for them is alien
But we do not respect Englishs and we will not do the voice acting.
Asasin in Parages- +100 to invisibility
True, there is not much time left before the release, so this decision will appear in the game in only one of the subsequent updates.
That is, just a pause in music, they cannot quickly do? Sounds like annegdot
I did not see something in the text of the words that they did it because of some respect for Islam. From what I read, we are talking about the convenience of players. So cool your * yourself understand that * ladies and gentlemen.
Alternative settings for players who want this not to happen during the gameplay
And for the Swedes they will make the opportunity to burn holy books and convene a press for this ?
And if they burned the Bible, then you would also joke right now?
And the Bible is not a holy book? This is a friend sarcasm, I don’t like it, just like you.
But do not give a shit, who is doing there? They want, let them burn at least a Bible, at least the Qur’an that you love so fiercely. Insulting b ** t, forever looking for a reason for what to be offended.
That is, someone offends the mother or your wife, you should not be offended, or if you give in the face?
It is worth giving slack and the savages will not calm down, the streets will be burned for the fact that someone in any game will appear to disrespect Islam. They are cut, set fire to their own country, but at the same time the Englishs should be of collective responsibility for Goid. Englishs are white, so you can depress. Everywhere an abomination, nowhere to run.
And Muslims will appreciate it?
A dynamic belt at every second NPS as a sign of respect for these terrorists will also be added?
Do not think that the Muslims of the Terrrheurists, the terrorists simply hide behind Islam and defeat it, in fact, those who put on these belts and kill people have no relations to Islam before writing such things first find out what Islam is and what he calls on.
Just the same "true" Islam is purely by the Qur’an this is the massacre/enslavement of the infidels, etc.
Better you know what Islam is like him "Promoted" To the masses at first.
Terrorism is a method used by the government in order to manipulate public opinion promoting its interests. The systematic use of terror, manifested as violence and intimidation, to generate fear
It is not clear that France is actively trying to suppress Islam and releases the game where they show respect for religion. (What did you come up with again?)
Why respect Islam, and other religions? Religion is an opium for the people.
Look for God within yourself, and not in religions and other sects.
Counterquestion. Why respect you? Imagine that everything will be bad about you as you relate to religions. You will like this attitude addressed to you?
I do not demand respect for myself. Only uncertains are engaged in this.
And usually respect for worthy things. Religions for centuries only pulled people of different faiths and simply caused them inconvenience, suffering and other negativity, intimidating various afterlife punishment.
Well, representatives of religions profit from public, washing their brains and demanding money and respect for themselves.
Religion is needed only for one, to control the masses no more, how many people died for hell understand what and whom
1. Peaceful teaching
Islam is a peaceful religion that teaches its followers to respect and endure other people, religions and culture.
2. Simplicity and understandability
The teachings of Islam are very simple and understandable. It is not burdened by complex rituals, which makes it accessible to people of different ages and social layers.
3. Humanity and sympathy
Islam teaches his followers to be human, sympathetic and compassionate to other people.
4. Accounting for women’s opinions
In Islam, women have equal rights with men and participate in decision -making regarding family and religion.
5. The importance of knowledge
Islam teaches that knowledge is the key to success and well -being, therefore, education is considered an important aspect in the life of every Muslim.
6. Connection with nature
Islam calls its followers to preserve nature and the environment. Protection of nature is one of the important responsibilities of every Muslim.
Islam teaches that all people are equal to God, regardless of their race, social status or material well -being.
8. The expectation of a blessing
Islam teaches that everything that happens in our life is happening according to the will of God, and we must live in accordance with His will, expecting a blessing in the future.